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Sponsored by Pennwriters, Inc., October 5, 2024

Zem Zem Banquet & Conference Center
2525 West 38th Street, Erie, PA


WRT Virtual RelayThat

2024 Pitch Your Book! 

"Writing a book is something you do to get your life back." ~Richard Bach


A Chance to Pitch Your Book!

Sign up for this event at the Registration Table. Pay a small fee at the door. Share 10 minutes, one-on-one, with Debra Rae Sanchez, editor and translator from Tree Shadow Press,  or Melanie A. Billings from the Wild Rose Press, for possible publication.


CoDebraSanchezme Meet Editor Debra R. Sanchez from Tree Shadow Press. The motto of Tree Shadow Press is “Dedicated to Different” and they publish a variety of genres including, but not limited to: children’s books, YA, fantasy, mystery & thriller, historical fiction, inspirational & memoir, instructional & self-help, plays, and short story and/or poetry collections, from 7,500 – 100,000 words.

Send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a spot and pay a small fee at the door for this opportunity. 

We welcome Ms. Debra R. Sanchez, Editor and Translator from Tree Shadow Press.

Debra has been with Tree Shadow Press since its founding in 2016 and is working with authors from every genre. Books from Tree Shadow Press, including several that she edited and translated, have won “TAZ” awards from The Author Zone, which honors indie press publications.

The following genres edited by Debra for Tree Shadow Press received the following awards:

  • 2017 awards in Business, Children’s Books, Historical Fiction, and Memoir
  • 2018 awards in Poetry
  • (2019 – awards ceremony not held)
  • 2020 awards in Children’s Book (3rd-8th grade), Picture Book, Anthology, Historical Fiction, Poetry
  • Nine awards in 2021. One in Children’s Book (3rd-8th grade), Three in Picture Book, Two in Self-Help, One in Historical Fiction, Two in Fiction/Mystery

Limited 10-Minute Slots Available. Sign-Up at Door with a small fee.



MelanieBillingsWe welcome back Ms. Melanie A. Billings (Editor, Special Projects Department, Wild Rose Press) after a very successful debut at Writer’s Road Trip 4 and very exciting Writer’s Road Trips 5-7. Melanie has been working in various aspects of Ebook publishing since 1998. She was the Acquisitions Editor for Whiskey Creek Press and the Senior Editor for Wee Creek Press. Currently the Editor of the Special Projects Department at The Wild Rose Press, Melanie has the freedom to move between lines, working with authors from every genre. Melanie graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College in 1997 with a Bachelor’s degree in her double major in English and Communication. Melanie loves to write and enjoys participating in various writing challenges throughout the year. She has two works of poetry published (Climbing the Mountain and Whispers) and way too many works in progress to mention. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.