Bookectomy is the sponsor of the WRT website.

Bookectomy (as a business) has been retired.  

Many thanks to all the authors who have passed through its gates.

Jamie's phone number has changed. Email for information.

Jamie Saloff embraced print-on-demand technology in its infancy nearly thirty years ago. Having previously travailed through traditional publishing, she loved the creative freedom, quick implementation, and author-driven profitability. Initially delving into self-publishing for her own endeavors, it didn't take long before others wanted her help so they could do it too. From those humble beginnings, Jamie's long-lasting career began allowing her to meet authors from all walks of life and enriching her life immensely. 

Jamie 2019 Close miniAs a book designer and self-publishing specialist, she helped countless authors publish profitable print products.™ She guided men, women, talented teens, Gen Xers, baby boomers, golden-agers, and even posthumously published authors—regardless of age or technical ability—through her easy, seven-step, self-publishing process. Clients learned how to create quality, profitable books while avoiding common publishing pratfalls.

A long-time author advocate, Jamie has been a member of the Pennwriter’s organization for several decades. She served in multiple board positions eventually earning the coveted Meritorious Service Award, their highest honor. She worked as their Writing Contest Coordinator, Area Rep, and as one of their annual Conference Coordinators, among her many positions. She served on Pennwriter's Area 1 Writer's Road Trip mini-conference committee for nine years and currently manages their Road Trip website.

Jamie was a co-founder and initial organizer of the Edinboro Elementary Writing Center program, which guided children in writing and “publishing” their own books. Each year, nearly 250 books were produced during her tenure. 

Jamie has written and been featured in countless articles, blogs, radio shows, newsletters, and newspapers. Currently considering herself “semi-retired,” she designs and works with only a handful of clients each year. Due to recent price changes, her books on self-publishing are no longer for sale, however, you can download them for free here.

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